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2019 Quarter 1


In this quarter, flats continue to sell above their asking price, on average around £23,000 more, which is £8,000 less than the previous period due to the average selling price decreasing by £5,000 to £136,054 whilst the average asking price increased by 2.91%.

Quarter No of properties Avg asking price (s1homes) % change Avg selling price (ROS)*
Q2 (2018) 9,125 £111,547 2.20% £137,021
Q3 (2018) 9,386 £110,416 -1.01% £143,303
Q4 (2018) 8,321 £110,129 -0.26% £141,021
Q1 (2019) 7,952 £113,332 2.91% £136,054

Terraced houses

Terraced houses are on average selling for £12,500 more than the asking price. The average asking price increased by over £4,000 to £126,686 while the average selling price fell by 4.5% to £139,168.

Quarter No of properties Avg asking price (s1homes) % change Avg selling price (ROS)*
Q2 (2018) 2,364 £120,245 -1.44% £141,258
Q3 (2018) 2,347 £121,152 0.75% £145,962
Q4 (2018) 2,096 £122,579 1.18% £145,605
Q1 (2019) 2,086 £126,686 3.35% £139,168

Semi-detached houses

In this quarter, semi-detached houses sold for on average £1,000 over their asking price, around £3,000 less compared to the previous period. This is driven by 1.7% growth of the average asking price to £164,375, reflecting sellers pricing more realistically, while the average selling price remained static at the £165,000 mark.

Quarter No of properties Avg asking price (s1homes) % change Avg selling price (ROS)*
Q2 (2018) 3,236 £155,241 -0.13% £162,465
Q3 (2018) 3,174 £157,031 1.15% £168,221
Q4 (2018) 2,712 £161,644 2.94% £165,801
Q1 (2019) 2,820 £164,375 1.69% £165,716

Detached houses

Detached houses are the only properties where a Reality Gap exists, with houses selling for less than expected. The Reality Gap widened in Q1 with buyers on average paying £26,000 less than a property’s asking price.

This is due to the marginal decrease in the average asking price by 0.3% and the decrease of the average selling price by over £8,000 to £257,462.

Quarter No of properties Avg asking price (s1homes) % change Avg selling price (ROS)*
Q2 (2018) 5,189 £283,378 -0.09% £257,918
Q3 (2018) 5,106 £282,914 -0.16% £263,541
Q4 (2018) 4,549 £285,162 0.79% £265,759
Q1 (2019) 4,434 £284,283 -0.31% £257,462