
Plots for Sale in Edinburgh


North High Street, Musselburgh, EH21 6BQ
Offers over £390,000
3 bedroom plot

Kingsknowe Road North, Kingsknowe, EH14 2EE
Offers over £345,000
3 bedroom plot

Belford Gardens, Ravelston, EH4 3EW
Offers over £725,000
5 bedroom plot

Thomson Road, Currie, EH14 5HT
Offers over £340,000
3 bedroom plot

North High Street, Musselburgh, EH21 6AS
Offers over £120,000
3 bedroom plot

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

106/6 Crewe Road North, Crewe, EH5 2NE
Offers over £205,000
2 bedroom flat

20 Tyler's Acre Gardens, Corstorphine, EH12 7JH
Offers over £290,000
3 bedroom terraced house

2/5 Lochend Park, Lochend, EH7 6BT
Offers over £160,000
2 bedroom flat

89 Gracemount Avenue, Gracemount, EH16 6SR
Offers over £200,000
2 bedroom end-terraced house

18/1 Abbeyhill Crescent, Abbeyhill, EH8 8DZ
Offers over £265,000
3 bedroom flat

Don't miss out. Tell local estate agents what you're looking for:

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