About BTO Solicitors LLP

Selling your home will be one of the most important decisions that you will ever make. At BTO, we understand that it can be a difficult decision trusting the sale of your home to a Solicitor or Estate Agent. We always make sure every client is aware of each process and it’s done at the correct timing the client wishes. We recognise that your property is likely to be your biggest asset. Our objective is to build a successful relationship which will enable us to tailor a marketing strategy to meet your specific needs, requirements and deal with all legal aspects of your transaction. We take time ensuring your property is presented in the correct fashion, before your property is marketed, so we can provide your property with the launch it deserves. At BTO our dedicated team will search our database of potential buyers, beginning the process of proactively finding a buyer for your property. The dedicated BTO staff work to ensure you never miss a potential buyer, and look for niche and targeted marketing opportunities to promote your property to the biggest possible audience.


BTO Solicitors LLP has 3 properties for sale.

7/1 Grosvenor Crescent, West End (Edinburgh), EH12 5EP
Offers Over £565,000

Valuation: £575,000

2 bedroom flat

Morton Street, Portobello, EH15 2EN
Offers Over £395,000

Valuation: £400,000

3 bedroom flat

Barnton Park Gardens, Barnton, EH4 6HN
Offers Over £375,000

Valuation: £395,000

4 bedroom detached house

Contact BTO Solicitors LLP