
Plots for Sale in Borders


South East Of Garthrig, Lanton, TD8 6SU
Offers around £85,000

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

The Cottage, Swinton Mill, Coldstream, TD12 4JS
Offers over £385,000
3 bedroom detached house

Annfield Villa, Chirnside, Duns, TD11 3XH
Offers over £335,000
5 bedroom detached house

Burnside Cottage Horndean, Berwick Upon Tweed, TD15 1XJ
Guide price £525,000
5 bedroom detached house

Duke Street, Hawick, TD9 9PY
Offers over £55,000
2 bedroom flat

Little Swinton Farm Cottage, Coldstream, TD12 4HH
Offers over £215,000
2 bedroom terraced house

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