
Plots for Sale in Renfrewshire


Golf Road, Ralston, Paisley, PA1 3JY
Offers over £95,000

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Moorfoot Path, Paisley, PA2 8AU
Offers over £120,000
2 bedroom terraced house

Flat 2/1, 15 Greenlaw Avenue, Paisley, PA1 3RB
Offers over £185,000
2 bedroom flat

16 Foxbar Drive, Paisley, PA2 0RQ
Offers over £120,000
2 bedroom terraced house

Flat 2/2, 16 Clarence Street, Paisley, PA1 1PU
Offers over £53,000
1 bedroom flat

Lochard Drive, Paisley, PA2 9DE
Offers over £120,000
2 bedroom terraced house

28 Craigielinn Avenue, Paisley, PA2 8QX
Offers over £90,000
2 bedroom flat

Nevis Road, Renfrew, PA4 0PE
Offers over £76,000
3 bedroom flat

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