
Houses for Sale in Lybster


Morven View, Main Street, Lybster, KW3 6BJ
Offers around £140,000
2 bedroom cottage

Achavar, Lybster, KW3 6AU
Offers over £325,000
2 bedroom cottage

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Strathy Point Lighthouse, Strathy, Thurso, KW14 7RY
Offers over £75,000
1 bedroom flat

Lornefield, 9 Thurso Road, Wick, KW1 5LE
Offers over £165,000
3 bedroom townhouse

High Street, Thurso, KW14 8AG
Offers over £75,000

Ramscraigs Boarding Kennels, Dunbeath, KW6 6EY
Offers around £500,000
2 bedroom cottage

, Caithness, KW13 6YT
Guide price £600,000
6 bedroom detached house

Greenbraes, South Street, Keiss, KW1 4XE
Offers Over £260,000
3 bedroom bungalow