
Houses for Sale in Kincardine


Chapelhill Street, Kincardine, FK10 4QS
Offers over £135,000
1 bedroom terraced house

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Blacklaws Steading, Anstruther, KY10 3JZ
Offers over £475,000
5 bedroom terraced house

Fordell Road, Glenrothes, KY7 6SA
Offers over £124,000
3 bedroom terraced house

Happylands View, Lochgelly, KY5 9AJ
Offers over £179,995
2 bedroom detached house

Plot 94 Shaw Castle Gait, East Wemyss, KY1 4EU
Guide price £319,000
4 bedroom detached house

Plot 093 Taylor Castle Gait, East Wemyss, KY1 4EU
Guide price £309,000
3 bedroom detached house

Barony, Plot 071 Easy Living Developments East Wemyss, Kirkcaldy, KY1 4EY
Guide price £349,000
5 bedroom detached house

2a Wilson Street, Townhill, Dunfermline, KY12 0EY
Offers over £299,950
4 bedroom detached house

Kinkell, 6 Bowling Green Road, Cupar, KY15 4HD
Offers over £325,000
3 bedroom detached house

25 Wheatley Street, Methil, KY8 3DQ
Offers over £60,000
2 bedroom flat


When it comes to property, s1homes has you covered. You can search for a range of properties, from flats and bungalows through to semi-detached and detached homes throughout Scotland. To get started, simply use our search filters on the left-hand-side and get a list of properties that meet your requirements.

As you would expect, house prices in Fife vary throughout the area, although on average costs remain considerably low. However, the average price of houses for sale in Fife is around the £150,000 mark - more expensive than both nearby Dundee and Falkirk.

It would appear there are some signs of recovery in Fife though when it comes to sale prices, as there has been a 6% rise year-on-year. This is still a massive 59% down from 2007 - when property prices were at their peak.

There also seems to be a boost in interest amongst buyers, with sales rising 9.1% on the previous year. As such, well priced houses for sale in Fife will quickly be snapped up. This shows how important it is to have your finger on the pulse and be ready to view new listings that hit the market.

With that said, why not start your search today and find out if your dream property is currently on the market. It's really easy to get started and in no time at all you'll be able to filter the options based on your preferences. At s1homes there are some incredible houses for sale in Fife, so start your journey towards a new home now.