
Houses for Sale in Bearsden


Montrose Drive, Bearsden, G61 3LG
Offers over £450,000
5 bedroom detached house

Rowan Drive, Bearsden, G61 3HQ
Offers over £270,000
3 bedroom semi-detached house

Pendicle Road, Bearsden, G61 1EE
Offers over £360,000
4 bedroom bungalow

Almond Road, Bearsden, G61 1RG
Offers over £159,999
2 bedroom terraced house

Heather Avenue, Bearsden, G61 3JD
Offers over £365,000
4 bedroom bungalow

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Loch Road, Kirkintilloch, G66 3EF
Offers over £210,000
2 bedroom semi-detached house

Alloway Terrace, Kirkintilloch, G66 2RG
Offers over £140,000
2 bedroom semi-detached house

Kirkintilloch Road, Bishopbriggs, G64 2AN
Offers over £215,000
2 bedroom flat

Coltpark Lane, Bishopbriggs, G64 2AR
Offers over £475,000
4 bedroom detached house

Abbotsford Drive, Kirkintilloch, G66 2DW
Offers over £155,000
3 bedroom semi-detached house