£165,000 Offers over

Bonnyton Drive, Eaglesham, Renfrewshire East, G76 0LU

1 bedroom bungalow for sale

View Previous Selling Prices
Selling Date Selling Price Value change
26 November 2010 £140,000 £50,000
14 September 2005 £90,000 N/A

Sold house price data is supplied to us by the Registers of Scotland, a government department responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers, every month. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors. If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact Registers of Scotland.

Property Details

This well-appointed end terraced bungalow sitting on a prominent elevated position with open views will undoubtedly appeal to the professional and more mature market alike. The accommodation comprises of formal lounge with open plan dining room, well equipped kitchen with integrated appliances, a double bedroom, quality bathroom and a fixed stairwell gives access to a developed attic space with toilet facilities. The home sits within sizable and well maintained gardens to front and rear with off street parking by way of a single garage and parking bays. Eaglesham provides an excellent range of local shops including doctors and dental surgery, popular primary schooling and is catchment for Mearns Castle and St Ninians High School. For the commuter there is regular bus service and excellent motorway links to Glasgow City Centre. A home of this quality very rarely graces the open market and viewing by appointment through the selling agents is recommended.

This house description is based upon information supplied by the owner, or on behalf of the owner. These property particulars are produced in good faith and do not constitute or form part of any contract. s1homes do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this document.

If a property value displays '0', don't worry it just means no properties have been sold in that area during that time.

Source acknowledgement: Contains data compiled by Registers of Scotland. For further information, please contact data@ros.gov.uk.

Registers of Scotland is a government body responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors.

If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact info@s1now.com.

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Property History

  • Property added on 6 September 2024
  • 134 Viewed this page
  • 0 People currently watching

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