£169,995 Fixed price

Coll Street, Germiston, Glasgow, G21 2BF

2 bedroom semi-detached for sale

View Previous Selling Prices
Selling Date Selling Price Value change
22 October 2018 £115,260 £15,760
8 June 2007 £99,500 N/A

Sold house price data is supplied to us by the Registers of Scotland, a government department responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers, every month. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors. If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact Registers of Scotland.

Property Details

Light and immaculately presented, southerly facing two-bedroom, semi-detached home, with gardens and a driveway. Located in a quiet residential street, in the popular Germiston area, just northeast of Glasgow city centre. A welcoming entrance hall affords access to the carpeted stairs leading to the upper hall and the front-facing living room, enjoying a southerly aspect allowing plentiful natural light, with wood effect flooring continuing from the hall and a feature wall panel. Set off the lounge, a stylish dining/kitchen features a deep storage cupboard, spotlighting, wood effect flooring and patio doors leading to the rear garden. Modern fitted units include wood effect worktops, a tiled surround, a sink with a drainer and spray-pull tap, and an integrated oven and electric hob. On the upper floor, bedroom one is set to the front, with carpeted flooring, and a built-in wardrobe and cupboard; whilst a further well-finished carpeted bedroom is set to the rear, overlooking the garden. Completing the accommodation, a stylish bathroom is fitted with a modern three-piece suite including a rainfall shower over the bath, tiled splash walls, tiled flooring, and a ladder-style radiator.

North of the River Clyde, the area of Germiston is conveniently located northeast of Glasgow city centre, with local amenities and good transport connections. Within easy travelling distance to Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the Universities, and all the attractions and facilities of the city centre, the area is well situated and is primarily a residential area. With schooling provided for at all levels, there is an excellent range of supermarkets available, including a Costco, Lidl, and Tesco nearby. Several large parks, golf courses, and open green spaces can be found close by, including Seven Lochs Wetland Park, Robroyston Park, as well as the well-known Glasgow Necropolis. Proximity to Barnhill railway station and the M8/M80 make for rapid and easy connections to the city centre and throughout the central belt via the wider motorway network.

Council Tax Band: C

Tenure: Freehold

Broadband Coverage: current provider - Virgin Media, other providers also available. Fibre: Standard, Superfast and Ultrafast

Mobile Coverage: Some 4G/5G available

For more information, please check "OfCom" mobile and broadband checker

This house description is based upon information supplied by the owner, or on behalf of the owner. These property particulars are produced in good faith and do not constitute or form part of any contract. s1homes do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this document.

If a property value displays '0', don't worry it just means no properties have been sold in that area during that time.

Source acknowledgement: Contains data compiled by Registers of Scotland. For further information, please contact data@ros.gov.uk.

Registers of Scotland is a government body responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors.

If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact info@s1now.com.

0345 646 0208 MOV8 Real Estate

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