£245,000 Offers over

Bowmore View, Inverness, Inverness, Nairn and Loch Ness, IV3 8RT

3 bedroom semi-detached for sale

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Selling Date Selling Price Value change
20 September 2019 £183,000 N/A

Sold house price data is supplied to us by the Registers of Scotland, a government department responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers, every month. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors. If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact Registers of Scotland.

Property Details

Beautiful three bedroom semi-detached property set in the popular Leachkin area of Inverness. Built by Robertsons to their Calico specification. Modern with neutral décor throughout. Boasting integrated appliances, master en-suite shower room and fitted wardrobes in two bedrooms. Large lock blocked driveway with ample parking space.

The Leachkin area has much to offer including; schools, health centre, community centre, shops and pharmacy, Charleston Academy is within a short walk. Being only two miles from the centre of Inverness city, this is an easy commute for work, shopping and social activities. Ideal opportunity for first time buyers or as an investment / buy to let opportunity. Regular bus service and bus stop within a minute walk.

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Source acknowledgement: Contains data compiled by Registers of Scotland. For further information, please contact data@ros.gov.uk.

Registers of Scotland is a government body responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors.

If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact info@s1now.com.

01926 258021 Purplebricks

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  • Property added on 4 September 2024
  • 137 Viewed this page
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