£99,000 Guide price

Maiden Street, Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, AB42 1EE

6 bedroom detached house for sale

View Previous Selling Prices
Selling Date Selling Price Value change
8 August 2007 £105,000 £19,400
4 May 2007 £85,600 N/A

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Property Details

Six bedroom detached villa
Spacious six bedroom detached villa keenly priced to sell, offering excellent accommodation suitable for owner occupier or BTL investor.

The house provides great living space and bedrooms offering versatile use, and will appeal to a range of buyers. Although ideal for an owner occupier, the house had previously been rented out with a monthly rental income of £1,100pcm, amounting to £13,200 p.a The LHA is higher at £14,958 p.a, so this would be a great addition to a rental portfolio with a yield of 14.7% based on Guide Price. The accommodation comprises reception hall, lounge, dining area, kitchen/utility, and six bedrooms – master with en suite. Features gas central heating, double glazing and a garden area to the rear. Council Tax Band C.

Peterhead is a coastal fishing town on the A90 approximately 30 miles north of Aberdeen which is ideal for commuting to the city, the airport and nearby towns such as Ellon. There are good bus links to the city and surrounding areas. There is also a Park &Ride facility at Ellon which is popular with commuters. Peterhead itself has a good range of amenities including a variety of shops, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, sporting facilities and a community centre. There is a range of primary schools and Peterhead Academy provides good secondary schooling. There is a fabulous golf course, a marina, a range of beaches and many great walks in Peterhead and the surrounding areas.

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