£840,000 Fixed price

Plot 3, Merlewood Avenue, Bothwell, Lanarkshire South, G71 8BD

5 bedroom detached house for sale

View Previous Selling Prices
Selling Date Selling Price Value change
28 May 2013 £130,000 £370,000
31 October 2008 £500,000 £270,000
5 September 2008 £230,000 N/A

Sold house price data is supplied to us by the Registers of Scotland, a government department responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers, every month. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors. If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact Registers of Scotland.

Property Details

PLOT 3 - A wonderful opportunity to purchase this large individually designed modern detached villa which sits within a small exclusive development.

Future purchasers will have a range of finishing options to choose from, including kitchens, bathrooms and potentially certain internal layouts. The build is expected to start in early 2023 with a completion date of later in the year. The proposed house extends to circa 372 sq m (4004 sq ft) and is built over three floors with great use of natural light via numerous large windows and skylights, whilst the versatile internal layout creates the ideal family living space.

The accommodation comprises a large hallway, a formal lounge, a family lounge, a dining room, which is open plan to a spacious kitchen, a separate utility room, a cloakroom and shower room. The 1st floor has a galleried landing with access to a snug, three bedrooms, three en-suites and a dressing room. The top floor has a further bedroom and has the master bedroom with a dressing room and an additional en-suite.

The property has a double garage, gardens and enjoys great privacy.

A 3D model is available within our Uddingston office which may provide buyers with an idea of layouts and proportions.

Bothwell is highly regarded for its excellent Main Street, where you can find the majority of everyday shopping needs and a great choice of restaurants, bistros and pubs. The property is located within a popular school catchment, whilst for those commuting by public transport there are regular bus and train services from Uddingston to the surrounding towns and cities, including Glasgow and Edinburgh. The M74 motorway provides excellent access to the central belt linking the surrounding towns and cities. Sports facilities are in abundance and include golf courses, swimming pools, gyms and country parks with picturesque walks.

A wonderful opportunity to purchase this large individually designed modern detached villa which sits within a small exclusive development.

This house description is based upon information supplied by the owner, or on behalf of the owner. These property particulars are produced in good faith and do not constitute or form part of any contract. s1homes do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this document.


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Source acknowledgement: Contains data compiled by Registers of Scotland. For further information, please contact

Registers of Scotland is a government body responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors.

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Property History

  • Property added on 23 December 2022
  • Property sold (STCM) on 30 December 2022
  • 1,735 Viewed this page
  • 0 People currently watching

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