£60,000 Offers over

Plots, Craig-en-ros Road, Millport, Ayrshire North, KA28 0BH

plot for sale

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Selling Date Selling Price Value change
18 October 2007 £150,000 N/A

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Property Details

Fully serviced Self build plots available in quiet locale in sought after area, Craig en Ros Road, Millport. Craig en Ros Road is small cul de sac of detached houses. The Plots form a continuation of the cul de sac. Outline planning permission (now lapsed) was granted for 9 detached properties. Available Plots 3,4,5,6,7,8
Tel: 01475 531177

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If a property value displays '0', don't worry it just means no properties have been sold in that area during that time.

Source acknowledgement: Contains data compiled by Registers of Scotland. For further information, please contact data@ros.gov.uk.

Registers of Scotland is a government body responsible for compiling and maintaining property registers. There can be a delay of up to 3 months from when a property is sold to being recorded with Registers of Scotland. We provide house price data for your information only, we do not accept any liability for any errors.

If you have noticed any incorrect information, please contact info@s1now.com.

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Property History

  • Property added on 10 May 2018
  • New price Offers over £60,000 as of 29 May 2021
    Was: Guide Price £50,000
  • 14,706 Viewed this page
  • 0 People currently watching

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