
Houses for Sale in Stirling (Town)


Brentham Crescent, Stirling (Town), FK8 2AZ
Offers over £290,000
3 bedroom detached house

11 Brock Place, Whins of Milton, FK7 0JU
Offers over £157,500
2 bedroom end-terraced house

The Calder 50 Pirnhall Close, Whins of Milton, EH4 4XA
Fixed price £274,000
2 bedroom terraced house

Duke Street, Bannockburn, FK7 0JQ
Guide price £90,000
2 bedroom terraced house

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Birkhill Road, Stirling (Town), FK7 9JS
Offers over £119,995
1 bedroom flat

Barnton Street, Stirling (Town), FK8 1HJ
Offers over £118,000
2 bedroom flat

Forth Court, Riverside (Stirling), FK8 1XW
Offers over £129,000
2 bedroom flat

Park Terrace, Stirling (Town), FK8 2JT
Offers over £220,000
2 bedroom flat

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