
Flats for Sale in Alexandria


Willowbank Gardens, Bonhill, Alexandria, G83 9GB
Offers over £135,000
2 bedroom flat

Dillichip Terrace, Alexandria, G83 9HZ
Offers over £65,000
2 bedroom flat

Smollet Street, Alexandria, G83 0DS
Offers over £98,500
2 bedroom flat

Wilson Street, Alexandria, G83 0EF
Fixed price £55,000
1 bedroom flat

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Strathleven Drive, Bonhill, G83 9PQ
Offers over £183,500
2 bedroom semi-detached house

Castle Avenue, Balloch, G83 8HX
Offers over £198,000
2 bedroom semi-detached house

Wallace Street, Dumbarton, G82 1HH
Offers over £115,000
4 bedroom flat

Glenalmond Place, Dumbarton, G82 2BW
Offers over £295,000
4 bedroom detached house

Hillside Park, Clydebank, G81 6BD
Offers over £93,500
2 bedroom flat