
Flats for Sale in Blackford (Edinburgh)


Macdowall Road, Blackford, EH9 3EF
Offers over £555,000
3 bedroom flat

Charterhall Grove, Blackford (Edinburgh), EH9 3HX
Offers over £238,000
2 bedroom flat

Blackford Avenue, Blackford (Edinburgh), EH9 3ER
Offers over £400,000
2 bedroom flat

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

41 Cameron Toll Gardens, Prestonfield, EH16 4TF
Offers over £230,000
2 bedroom terraced house

125/1f Mayfield Road, Newington, EH9 3AJ
Offers over £445,000
3 bedroom flat

94 1f2, Thirlestane Road, Marchmont, EH9 1AS
Offers over £500,000
4 bedroom flat

4/1 Dunard Garden, Grange, EH9 2HZ
Offers over £310,000
2 bedroom flat

31 Craigour Avenue, Little France, EH17 7NH
Offers over £260,000
3 bedroom bungalow

48/8 Scald Law Drive, Colinton, EH13 0FL
Fixed price £208,000
1 bedroom flat