
Flats for Sale in Dundee


Kerr Street Dundee, Dundee, DD2 3EZ
Offers over £65,000
2 bedroom flat

Church Street, Broughty Ferry, DD5 1HB
Offers over £110,000
1 bedroom flat

Brook Street, Broughty Ferry, DD5 2DS
Guide price £140,000
2 bedroom flat

Union Place, West End (Dundee), DD2 1AB
Guide price £155,000
3 bedroom flat

Blackness Road, City Centre (Dundee), DD2 1RU
Offers over £90,000
1 bedroom flat

Smillie Court, City Centre (Dundee), DD3 6TP
Offers over £190,000
2 bedroom flat

Here are some other properties similar to your search that we think you might like.

Gourdie Terrace, Charleston (Dundee), DD2 4QT
Offers over £85,000
3 bedroom terraced house

69 Balerno Street Dundee, Douglas and Angus, DD4 8RE
Offers over £85,000
3 bedroom terraced house

Haddington Gardens, Whitfield, DD4 0RL
Offers over £145,000
2 bedroom end-terraced house

102 Forfar Road, Stobswell, DD4 7BG
Offers over £255,000
3 bedroom semi-detached house

Don't miss out. Tell local estate agents what you're looking for:

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